
Why Whittlebury Park?

At Jardine Motors, we pride ourselves on excellence in development, fostering meaningful connections, and providing unparalleled experiences for our team. Our journey with Whittlebury Park started in 2019, marking 2024 as our fifth year of collaboration. Over this period, we've cultivated a deep understanding of the venue's offerings, honing in on what makes it the ideal setting for our leadership programme events. When it comes to hosting our leadership programme events, selecting the perfect venue is paramount. For us, Whittlebury Park stood out as the perfect choice, and here's why.


So, Why Whittlebury Park?

Location: Situated in the heart of the East Midlands, Whittlebury Park offers accessibility from various directions, making it a convenient choice for our diverse team spread across the UK and being in close proximity to Silverstone, Whittlebury Park naturally aligns with the automotive industry, adding an extra layer of relevance to our events.

Service Excellence: From the moment we step foot on the estate, the staff at Whittlebury Park go above and beyond to ensure a seamless experience. Their personal approach makes us feel valued, not just as clients but as individuals, we really feel that family valued experience.

Flexibility: In the ever-evolving business landscape, flexibility is key. Whittlebury Park understands this, accommodating our changing needs without hesitation, allowing us to focus on what matters most – our leadership programme objectives.

Tailored Experiences: Every visit to Whittlebury Park is marked by bespoke experiences tailored to our specific requirements. Whether its downtime team building activities or the overall package, they leave no stone unturned in crafting memorable moments for us and our guests.


The Whittlebury Park Difference

It's the little touches that set Whittlebury Park apart. One of our standout moments at Whittlebury Park involved a rounders competition with another client. This friendly yet competitive event not only fostered camaraderie amongst our teams but also provided a unique networking opportunity outside the traditional business setting.

From spontaneous rounders matches to surprise and delight moments, they consistently exceed our expectations, leaving a lasting impression on everyone involved.


Paul Phelan 

Head of Leadership and Development at Jardine Motors

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